Flower Therapy for the Home

Do you ever walk into a home and see beautiful flowers on display and think, “What a beautiful space?” Flowers have such a natural energy associated to them and can enhance any environment,  Flowers have been one of the best therapy agents and have been used for restoring physical and mental health. These timeless beauties have been used to calm, heal, express emotions, bring luck, ask forgiveness, and heal any misunderstandings.

Studies show that patients in hospital rooms with flowers “need less pain medication, are less anxious and have lower blood pressure and pulse rates than patients in rooms without”. Flower essences like Bach Flower remedies and homeopathic medicine has proved to heal many types of mental and physical illnesses, I personally use them daily and find great value in them.

But what about their healing properties for our homes?

For centuries, flowers have been used in homes, for decorative purposes as well as showing status of living in a well-manicured space that requires hired help to manage them. Dating back to the Victorian times, floriography was used as a means of coded communication through various flowers. The language of flowers, or floriography, is a system of communication every flower carries within its own color and variety. A special meaning can be articulated through the use or arrangement of flowers. 

Most interior design magazines provide us with beautiful, designed spaces showcasing their work with flowers to elicit a certain mood. By having these fresh flowers in the house not only will boosts energy and happiness, but they provide color and texture and can enhance any design.

Flower design is a science and an art, using flowers to communicate is still used today. It’s a good practice to visit a flower shop and see which of these specimens will be coming home with you today. If you do a bit of research on floriography, you might just have a knack for it.

6 Ways to Use Flowers in the Home

  1. Put flowers like lavender in the bedroom to enhance relaxation and sleep.

  2. Use flowers in the kitchen to elevate your mood and energy and add a pop of color.

  3. Add you favorite bright flowers to areas to boost mind and creativity.

  4. Use peace lilies to calm your children’s environment.

  5. Add roses for love and connection.

  6. Use Jasmine to calm anxiety.

(Photos: Frances and Unsplash)


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Elemental Living