“Home Sweet Rest: A Guide to a Balanced and Healthy Lifestyle"

Greetings Beautiful Souls!

At the beginning of the new year, we tend to make all these New Year’s resolutions and goals to carry us through the upcoming year. But what if there hasn’t been any gas to go? If you are someone recovering from any health issues or an aging body going through hormonal changes, it can be hard to step on the gas and go! Not to mention the entire world recovering from a pandemic that has affected us all.

As a seasoned dancer and yoga fitness wellness expert, I have had to step back on a lot of dance practices in my life and tweak my routines. Not only is this humbling, but it can also be challenging to accept. I had to learn this time and time again.

We are not superheroes.

We are an energetic body in a physical body and sometimes that energy changes and needs fine tuning. It took me time to integrate this but what I realized is that I needed a:

Rest Based Lifestyle

My full blog platform has moved over to my Community at Substack, to read more Join us HERE for full content.

Explore the Elemental Home Designs Blog/Podcast and Frances’ Lifestyle products page for valuable insights. Find solutions to modern lifestyle dilemmas and embark on a journey toward lifelong health and vitality. Visit www.elementalhomedesigns.com and sign up for our newsletter to get started today HERE and let Frances guide you on the path to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Be sure to join our blog community at www.substack.com/@elementalhomedesigns


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