The Spirit of Home as your Sanctuary

Let’s create a home sanctuary through mindfulness, organization, and beauty, it’s all about the flow. When I look at a home, I want to feel and see a circulation of space in the environment. These are more principles of feng shui, where Ch’i, in the simplest terms, is the “energy consuming a person and the surroundings”. This “flow” can be seen in Chinese medicine as feng shui is an application of acupuncture for the home. Since our homes are our second skin., what is placed in them will affect us internally as well.

But what exactly is Chi?

Chi is the flow, the life force around us, it has been called “spirit, soul, mind, and breath”, so basically, It’s everything. Ch’i has been also included as “mind, aura, soul, spirit, life force,”

I could feel the “chi” of home environments as a young age, When I walked into a space, the “energy” could be something I liked or had a bad feeling over. I never liked clutter; it was so unsettling for me. I was always organized and like things in its place, so I didn’t waste time looking for what I needed.

Decluttering was always easy for me, as I knew it would be replaced with something better, but it wasn’t shown to me the real consequences of too much of anything until I worked with energy medicine. I liked fengshui principles as they believed that ch’i of the environment can be helped by applying the proper cures.

As someone who likes to focus on solutions, I resonated with that concept, and I like changing things around, especially each season since we are so connected to nature. It made sense that our external environment also needed a change, that way we never get stuck in our thinking. I didn’t realize there was a term for this was also called sensory design.

Did you know that your house has a spirit to it? As I have been trying to get settled into my new temp space, I’ve noticed a couple of things while trying to get adjusted to my current environment. I have always lived closer to the water as my health requires it, I have to say, this area has a lot of water energy here, I can see dolphins from my window.

I have a few cleansing rituals I like to do to help clear out my home space.

My home practices are: airing out and opening my windows daily, smudging my home with sage, play high frequency music, and using flower therapy and candles. These are just a few examples of some of the rituals I recommend. When practiced daily, I can feel the energy of my home as calm, safe, and relaxed and so am I.

This is when I realized, there is a spirit of each home we live in, I always knew this to be true, but now I really get it. It’s important that we listen very carefully to the heartbeat of our homes, as it is our shelter and protection. In turn, it’s our duty to keep it happy and healthy so we can co-exist in peaceful harmony. I feel like I am a house doctor as I can sense what is bothering each space that I enter, some may say it a gift, I think we all have this sort of sense, we just need to tap into it.


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