10 Essential Tips for Designing a Tranquil and Restful Sleep Sanctuary

Let’s talk about a very important topic, the importance of deep sleep and rest. Is your bedroom a sleep-friendly environment?  A healthy sleep environment is not just about a beautifully decorated room (although this is a bonus!), it’s also about energy and whether the environment is a place that compliments healthy sleep practices. If you have a lot of work projects on your bed, electronics everywhere, and toxic chemicals coming from the bedding and mattresses, you will not have a good night’s sleep. 

It’s true, that some individuals are more sensitive than others, but to achieve optimal rest where your body enters all the REM sleep cycles and achieves restorative sleep. An average sleep cycle is about 90 to 110 minutes, and each night, a person typically experiences four to six sleep cycles. The composition of each cycle changes as the night progresses, so let’s discuss the stages and see if any of it resonates with you.

The first three stages are non-REM sleep, with stage one which is transitioning from wakefulness to sleep. During this stage, which typically lasts several minutes, muscle activity slows down and you can be easily awakened.

During stage 2, our brain waves slow down and decrease muscle activity. Stage 3 is crucial for waking up feeling rested and refreshed. It's during this phase that the body repairs muscles and tissues stimulates growth and development, boosts immune function, and builds up energy for the next day. This is the stage we all want; these brain waves are delta waves. 

The last stage is REM sleep, whichfirst occurs about 90 minutes after falling asleep. Your eyes move rapidly from side to side behind closed eyelids. This is where brain development occurs, cognitive function, problem solving, and brain development.

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