10 Holiday Eco Home Trends for 2022

It’s that time of year again, as we say goodbye to 2022, we still have the holidays to get thorough before we move on to the new. But how can we make it an Eco holiday season? As we move towards the trend of sustainability, let’s see how we can reduce the carbon footprint shall we? I’m discussing 10 Holiday Eco trends for 2022 and offering many ways to create your home sanctuary this holiday season.

1.    Home Yoga and Meditation Space

Create your meditation space to make it through all that holiday stress. We all know how the holidays can trigger so many emotions within us. I just purchased a new meditation mat and zafu cushion in a lovely neutral color to place in my meditation corner next to my sound bowls and monochord.

2.    Sustainability  

The sustainability trend in interior design is here to stay, finally! From choosing vintage furniture over new, to sourcing decor from small artists and locals, or making our own projects, or buying a high quality water ionizer for your home instead of wasteful toxic plastic bottles is the way we reduce the carbon footprint of your design which is always in style.  

3.    Dual Purpose Rooms
We all wish we had more space to accommodate all those individuals who live with us, sometimes we need to share space or offer a dual-purpose space to accommodate it all. Maybe it’s an office that doubles as a yoga studio, or an art corner that is also a dining area, or even your garage as your wellness room.

4.    Create Your Creativity Zone

I personally don’t have enough hours in the day to do all the creative projects I enjoy working on, my home is bursting with tools for art projects plus my music? I also make art as gifts and photos, plus cards for the holidays. This is also helping the carbon footprint by making your own holiday gifts.

5.    Home Wellness Space

It’s time for that home wellness space! . We are utilizing our homes more as a retreat and rejuvenation space than ever. We can create these dual-purpose rooms or even have our own wellness room dedicated to our health and vitality. Why go out anymore for these things when you can invest in your home as your sanctuary, especially since all the clinics are closed for the holidays.

6.    Create Mindful Outdoor Pods

We must deal with so much technology these days that sometimes, we have lost our connection to our planet earth. The past two years showed the world just how valuable working from home can be for businesses, families, and individuals. One thing is for sure, remote offices are the way for many industries and companies, and it is certainly here to stay.

7.    Sensory Design

Creating mindful sensory spaces — using natural materials, tactile design, ergonomic furniture, and mood lighting can help us to regulate our nervous systems and brings calm to our lives and who needs more of that during holiday time. Using holiday candles and scents to uplift and calm your mood.

8.    Green, Green, and Grow - Plants and Living Foods

Sustainability is the way, with your home tower garden, compost, and recycling area. Grow your own organic, pesticide-free, herbs, and vegetables without even having to plant anything. Tower garden has many systems that can even grow food in your car and garage. I loved my towers as the provide so much food for holiday cooking, herbs, soups, and more. Purchase HERE

9.    Cozy Corners are IN!

Let’s face it, we all have corners in our homes that could use a little something, what about creating a cozy corner? A bit of a hangout area for you and even your pets? A nook where you can escape to read, write, or draw.

10. Zen is the way, Clutter and Bacteria Free

So how to organize the chaotic mess that is about to enter your home? All those socks and shoes plus coats and handbags? What if you don’t have a coat closet by the door? Create an area at the entrance to store all that extra stuff and make it easily accessible for everyone to locate their personal belongings and please leave your shoes at the door.

Get ready as my ECO HOME HOLIDAY SHOPPING GUIDE is coming soon, stay tuned!!!

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10 minute Monochord Meditation and Home Cleansing Session.

(Photos: Unsplash and others)








2022 Eco-Home Holiday Shopping Guide for your Home Sanctuary


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