Updates, Changes, and More.

Hello Beautiful Souls,

How are you all doing?? I am finally getting to my writing after a few months of massive research on so many changes that will be going on for me. First off, I am in the middle of transitioning and have some new and exciting adventures to come. This has taken a lot of time to work out and strategize, and I have still been healing from many losses this year. We all know it’s been a tough year but one thing I know well is my resiliency and my ability to always pivot when necessary.

I have always found solace in many art mediums of designing, writing photography, and especially sound healing. I have been diving deep into my music studies the last few months of piano, harp, and voice. I have been working with some inspiring mentors and communities who make me want to create more of what has been given to me. This circle of exchange has been so healing and I want to share all my new and exciting offerings with you, but first, the task of moving!

Not to worry, things are coming along.

I was able to get to some fantastic seminars to revamp some of the missing elements I needed to address and see that all great things do take time. My message to you is this, go through what you need to go through, attend all those events, but take what you need and leave the rest.

Yoga and meditation have been a lifesaving process for me, I was able to find a wonderful yoga for grief community to find others who have had a difficult year of losses. It seems like we are all in this together.

But the planet is healing, no matter what you think is going on in the world. What we need to create more of is this unity, and not think that we are going through this alone, because we are not. Sometimes we just need to find others and know that we are there for each other. No matter how strong or independent we can be, our communities are part of joyful living.

Are you doing all the things that really make you happy and bring you joy?

I had been given the task to take pictures of 25 things that make me feel really happy. I’ve been using my polaroid camera as a fun way to take pictures and put my iphone away to escape from the digital world. (some of my pics to come).

I hope that you can find ways to bring you joy, even if it’s just a 20-minute break of going to the park and listening to the trees for some tree therapy, or playing with your neighbor's dog, or a walk by the ocean.

What feeds your spirit?

We get so caught up in the everyday cycle that we may miss something that’s so easy like opening our eyes to what is in front of us, good friends, a loving family, and so much beautiful nature and oh yeah, all those rainbows!

We are just about to finally say goodbye to 2022 and I am very much ready for the new, I am looking forward to all the changes and challenges, nothing really phases me anymore, it’s resiliency and adapting to change at a moment’s notice that makes me the powerhouse that I am.

And I am.

Stay Tuned


10 Holiday Eco Home Trends for 2022


Sacred Geometry in Design: Triangles