ASID - A Full Circle

ASID's mission is to advocate for and promote the value of interior design and provide resources, education, and support for interior designers and the industry.

I have been a member since my early interior design days while working for Herman Miller and later Architectural firms but took a break when I was guided to a life “pivot” as a full-time healer. At that time, no one was talking about sustainability, and I wanted to do my final project on this but none of the professors at FSU would support me on this path. It was taboo and unheard of, but I knew it was going to be an important topic for many decades to come. Even at this time in our lives, and after talking with some of the emerging design students, colleges are only offering one class on sustainability.

This must change.

Some things change and some things don’t. As I attended this year’s ASID “Gather” event in Los Angeles. I came in with hopes and intentions of a changed corporate scene, I will say, after it was all over, there were some changes but a lot that still stayed the same. Although, I did manage to meet more like-minded souls who were all about collaboration.

I did get to meet a lot of great designers who were also on the holistic path. We did have daily rooftop yoga classes at 7:00 am with some die-hard corporate yogis who were on the sustainability trend, and there are so many certification programs to join in on now to get the education on this. I will write more on this next blog and there are so many certifications now. 
I’ve realized at this point, the major changes in the corporate world would pretty much me, and the way I maneuvered in it. This is what led me to my first yoga class 26 years ago as a young interior designer right out of college. The stress of corporate America did bring me to my wellness practices, but little did I know it would lead me away from design and into another path. 

Have you ever had to pivot?

I did, my corporate job was extremely stressful, and I was sick all the time. Little did I know it was an autoimmune sufferer and I couldn’t keep up with this fast pace. As an overachiever, I did everyone’s job as I wanted to advance so much in my career that I too, did not take care of my health and wellness. 

Thankfully, yoga saved my life in more ways than one and removed me from a very toxic culture before I really got into trouble with my health. I had a complete health collapse and couldn’t function for many years thereafter. I had to heal, and I needed to learn how to be a healer so that I could come back with all the knowledge that was given to me. This was a huge life pivot!

Now with so many other pivots later, I am in this stage again and coming back so different. I learned the tools to maneuver through this path, but I often ask myself, am I really using them well? The true test comes when we are in it.

When have you had to pivot in your life?

I had to so many times, but I always watched and waited, until I could be part of what going on right now, the future of sustainability and green design, and I wasn’t going to miss it. Not after all the decades of research I have accumulated plus my life experiences as a lifelong allergy, immunology, and autoimmune sufferer. I already knew what the consequences were going to be when we all would have no choice but to pivot. 

And here we are.

Our planet needs us more than ever, through global warming, our animals becoming extinct, these unbelievable heat waves, and our dwindling resources, and this is just the beginning. At least ASID has presented in the main keynote the most critical emergency issues of today’s world.

  • Global Mental Health Crisis: This crisis encompasses a range of issues related to mental well-being, including conditions such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and more. It also includes the impact of mental health on the overall quality of life, productivity, social interactions, and economic stability. Children’s rooms will be more important than ever.  

  • Stress in the Workforce :  This has been going on for so many years, it’s at a climax at this point where individuals are burnout, even suicidal, have decreased job satisfaction, and have negative impacts on overall productivity and health. This affects employees' mental, emotional, and physical well-being as these factors are related to the work environment, job responsibilities, and personal circumstances. This is still a HUGE crisis from even my time in the corporate world. 

  • Broadened Awareness for Neurodivergent Needs:  Neurodiversity is a concept that recognizes and values the natural variation in human neurological and cognitive functioning. These individuals have brains that function differently from what is considered typical, often including conditions such as autism, ADHD, Hyperactivity dyslexia, and more. Again, children’s rooms will be critical for their health and wellness.

  • AI and technologies: While AI has the potential to revolutionize interior design, it's important to acknowledge that human touch, creativity, and intuition will continue to play a critical role in the design process. The most successful applications of AI in interior design will likely involve a harmonious blend of technology and human expertise. We still need humans.

  • Mixed Use Spaces: I already spoke about this in my previous blog “10 Holiday Eco Home Trends for 2022” You can read more about dual-purpose rooms HERE and where we all wish we had more space, but with some creativity, you can have it all. 

This is why it’s more important than ever for the future of our planet’s resources and our own health and wellness that sustainability, green design, sensory design, biophilia design, and Bau-biology are implemented into our design and building projects. This requires a holistic approach that considers both organizational and individual factors. By prioritizing employee well-being, companies can create a healthier, more productive, and more engaged workforce. 

Furthermore, by implementing this into our homes and communities to join the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability requires responsible management of natural resources, minimizing pollution and waste, and conserving biodiversity to protect ecosystems, and mitigating the impacts of climate change to ensure a healthy planet for future generations to come. 

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