Benefits of Dancing in Nature: Create Meaningful Connections with the Natural World and Sustainability.

Hello Beautiful Souls!

We are celebrating a New Moon this April 1st, 2022 and I can feel the energy turning into a new chapter for us all. I am so excited to share all the wonderful new beginnings with you in our next series of classes coming up on green living for the home.

But first, I want to acknowledge the amazing teachers in my life from all creative facets I study: art, design, music, and dance. I feel these are all interconnected and play a powerful role in the world we live in today. I have had the opportunity to travel the world and study with great masters of art.

I truly have been blessed:

But what does dancing have to do with sustainability? Well, there is a powerful connection with our bodies and the natural world. In my experience, when I dance in nature, I can feel my connection to the entire ecological space around me, and in this awareness, it inspires me to want to bring such an awareness to my inner world as well.

Benefits of Dancing in Nature

1. Create meaningful connections with the natural world and sustainability.

2. Listening and receiving: dance is a connection to healing and ecological consciousness.

3. Nature Play offers us the freedom to create and just be.

4. Air reminds us of our vitality and our connection to our breath as we breathe with nature.

5. Ecologically-minded dance artists reminds us of the body's relationship to landscape and environment.

I have watched the design world for the last 25 years, in this time, I have yearned for more ecological aspects to our living spaces. Now that we are in 2022, we are seeing more FengShui, Leed Design, Bau-Bology, Green Design. Sustainable Design, and Biophilic Design. All of these concepts have a reoccurring theme of bring nature into your living spaces.

Since we are so connected, you can have any, or all of these concepts brought into your life to enhance a the quality of your living space. As I have spoken before in my live keynotes of the concepts of Bau Biology, your home is your second skin. Therefore the health aspects of your home, affect the health quality of your life.

When we use biohacking tools and change the biology of your home, you change the biology of your life.



Next Design Class April 30, 2022 at West Elm and Green Guard (UL) Certified Products:


What It Means To Be A Healer