What It Means To Be A Healer

To be a healer, you need to first heal yourself. I have been a healer all my life, my gifts as a high frequency empath have given me all the insights I need when I encounter anyone. 

Unfortunately, with all these gifts, I attract all who need to be healed. I no longer treat clients in this way as it is draining for my health. Instead, I educate and empower so you are responsible for your own healing to achieve your goals. Not only does your environment come into play, but your state of consciousness as well. I cannot do this for you, only you have the power to heal yourself. 

I no longer obsessively feel the need to heal everyone around me. It’s a compulsive tactic to not deal with my own stuff. For now, with this intense energy that is around all of us with the state of our planet, plus my own dog screaming for my attention and help, I will no longer choose to ignore what’s happening in my own circle because I am too busy striving for my goals. 

Just stop!

Take a breather and take care. What is the state of your mental health?

I use this social media platform to empower and transform, But I refuse to be a reality TV star to get your attention. I am a highly educated woman with a lot to offer, so the make-up and hair is only to get your attention, but you still need to read between the lines. I have so much more to show you, so pay attention. As the information I share could save your health and wellness plus help the people around you that maybe screaming for your attention.

But you are too busy to care.

I am a writer, artist, and educator. If you don’t have time to read then slow down, you might miss the signs, just like I did, when someone was in trouble, plus ignore your failing health, and those around you.

But I’m too busy… then SLOW DOWN.

Or you just may miss what’s important, and it may be too late by then. It’s a challenge, as life is so complicated, we need to survive on text messaging and multitasking just to get by. Is this the life you really want to live?

I say NO! I demand NO!

I demand your presence. If I can’t get this from you, then go elsewhere. As I choose to be here now, I CHOOSE me.

Choose to be here, listen to the people around you who are asking for help, deal with your stuff so you can heal and get over yourself. Our planet needs you NOW, we have run out of time.


It’s about to get intense the next month, with an eclipse and another astrology mess. Be prepared, and don’t allow what’s going around you to mess with your inner peace. You may need to make major decisions and if you stay too busy, you just may miss all the signs.

Take time for you, schedule your quiet time in and allow space for your nervous system.

Don’t give your power away to others, where is the state of your consciousness? Work on your own mental health and be the healer the world needs you to be.

10 steps to healing your mental health:

1. Journal daily

2. Take a walk into nature

3. Just say NO.

4. Pencil in time for you.

5. Listen deeply to what people are saying, read between the lines.

6. Do creative projects.

7. Nature play.

8. Stop texting, watching social media videos, and multitasking. You are NOT saving any time.

9. BE present



Benefits of Dancing in Nature: Create Meaningful Connections with the Natural World and Sustainability.


Tower Garden, Medicinal Herbs, Earth Elements, and Sustainable Living