Make Your Summer More Sustainable

Making your summer more sustainable involves incorporating eco-friendly practices into your activities and lifestyle choices. I know, with everything we have to do in our lives, we have to think of the planet too?  Don’t get overwhelmed! By making small efforts each day, you can really make an impact in the world. 

I personally have been biking everywhere and it’s been a joy! There’s no traffic and it’s been beautiful weather where I am here in the USA. I just love riding my bike all over town and on the beach boardwalk. I am never stressed out by the highways and dealing with road rage. I chose a location where I can just have this accessibility and if I want to go somewhere far, I will just find other eco-friendly transport. 

Luckily, most beach areas already changed biodegradable materials like paper straws, you can too. This would make a HUGE impact if we all chose recyclable items as our paper plates, utensils, shopping bags, and straws. 

I always use nontoxic sunscreen if I ever am in the ocean or swimming with sea animals and especially as a diver, we must think of the eco life that lives below. Preservation is key if we are to enjoy things like this and want to keep sea life alive and well. Remember to always check the product labels to ensure that the sunscreen is specifically labeled as reef-safe and free from harmful chemicals.

I already talked about participating in beach clean ups, and volunteering to keep our sea turtles free from harm. We have so many natural habitats and such that need to be preserved if we are to keep flourishing as a whole. 

We have so much to learn from our eco systems, in Biomimicry, we draw inspiration from nature's solutions to design sustainable products, systems, and buildings, mimicking the efficiency and resilience found in ecosystems. By learning from and respecting the design principles of the natural world, biomimicry has the potential to drive solutions that are efficient, resilient, and in harmony with the environment. 

In my previous blog on “The Secret Language of Trees”

I talk about the extraordinary root eco system that connects them and the incredible nourishment they provide one another. If only we could learn from these underground networks and apply them to our systems.  

Remember the basic design principles of Biophilic design. The concept of incorporating nature into our living and working spaces, utilizing elements like natural light, indoor plants, and green walls to improve well-being and environmental sustainability.

(Photos by Unsplash)

Here are some ways to have a sustainable summer:

  1. Choose eco-friendly transportation: Opt for walking, biking, or using public transportation, when possible, to reduce carbon emissions from driving. If you're going on a road trip, consider carpooling or renting a fuel-efficient vehicle.

  2. Save energy while cooling off: Use natural ventilation and fans to cool your home instead of relying solely on-air conditioning. Set your air conditioner to an energy-efficient temperature and use a programmable thermostat to regulate cooling times.

  3. Embrace sustainable outdoor activities: Engage in outdoor activities that have a minimal impact on the environment. Explore local parks, go hiking, have a picnic, or go camping in designated areas while following Leave No Trace principles.

  4. Reduce water waste: Practice water conservation when watering plants, swimming, or participating in water-related activities. Use a bucket or watering can instead of a hose and collect rainwater for gardening. When swimming, be mindful of water usage and avoid excessive water splashing.

  5. Pack sustainably for outings: Use reusable bags, water bottles, and food containers when packing for outdoor excursions. Avoid single-use plastics and disposable items by opting for eco-friendly alternatives.

  6. Choose sustainable sunscreen: Look for reef-safe and mineral-based sunscreens that are free from harmful chemicals like oxybenzone. These chemicals can harm marine ecosystems when washed off in the water.

  7. Shop locally and seasonally: Support local farmers' markets and choose seasonal produce. This reduces the carbon footprint associated with transporting food long distances and supports local agriculture.

  8. Practice responsible waste management: Dispose of waste properly during outdoor activities by using designated recycling and trash bins. Avoid littering and consider organizing or participating in beach or park cleanups.

  9. Host eco-friendly gatherings: If you're hosting summer events, use reusable plates, cups, and utensils instead of disposable ones. Offer vegetarian or plant-based meal options to reduce the environmental impact of food production.

  10. Connect with nature and appreciate the outdoors: Spend time connecting with nature and fostering a sense of appreciation for the environment. Take nature walks, participate in conservation initiatives, or simply relax and enjoy the beauty of the natural world.

By incorporating these sustainable practices into your summer routine, you can enjoy the season while minimizing your impact on the environment. Small changes add up, and collectively, we can make a positive difference for a more sustainable future.

Have a Happy and Healthy Summer!

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