Bring Simplicity In Your Home with 10 Easy Design Ideas

National Simplicity Day is observed on July 12th each year to celebrate and promote the idea of living a simple and uncluttered life. It is inspired by the writings and philosophy of Henry David Thoreau, an American author, philosopher, and naturalist who advocated for simplicity, self-reliance, and a connection with nature.

Thoreau is best known for his book "Walden," in which he reflects on his experience living in a small cabin near Walden Pond in Massachusetts. Through his writings, Thoreau encouraged individuals to simplify their lives, focus on the essentials, and find contentment in the beauty of nature.

I find that the best days for me are the ones in nature, practicing mindfulness, and making art. I try to simplify my life as best as I can. This includes making decisions and sticking to them even through the challenging times. If I make too many commitments at the same time, I am not able to focus 100% my energy and this starts to make me feel overwhelmed and anxious. The key is to feel calm and centered when deciding which course to take. 

(Photos by Unsplash)

Personally, my office space needs to be uncluttered in order for me to be productive and not get “lost” in my many projects, Check out my previous blog on “8 Mindful Design Tips to Promote Wellbeing”.

I also talked about creating, “Dual Purpose Rooms” to accommodate all those individuals who live with us shared space areas. Maybe it’s an office that doubles as a yoga studio, or an art corner that is also a dining area, or even your garage as your wellness room. Keep your living space simple and allow it to reflect what is important to you. 

Make this day as a reminder to slow down, declutter, and prioritize the things that truly matter. It can encourage you to reevaluate your lifestyles, reduce material possessions by donating, and embrace a more minimalist approach. It is a day to reflect on the importance of simplicity, mindfulness, and finding joy in the present moment.

Simplifying your living space gives you this freedom, a cluttered home will always make you feel so uneasy, it’s just how the brain processes things.  By bringing in nature themes also will you the same calm feelings and I find that’s that’s the best way to design a home sanctuary.

It’s not always calm muted colors, I have several friends who really need that bold colored, energizing approach and that is what works for them. I do add more bold elements in my office areas as I know I could use some motivation to keep me on track. The focus is to keep in simple and not go overboard with any single element.  

(Photo Credit: Unsplash)

Here are 10 design ideas to help simplify your home and create a more minimalist and uncluttered living space:

  1. Declutter: Start by decluttering your home and getting rid of unnecessary items. Keep only the things that you need, use, or truly love. Donate or sell items that no longer serve a purpose in your life.

  2. Clear surfaces: Keep surfaces, such as countertops, tables, and shelves, clear of excessive decorations or clutter. Embrace negative space and let your favorite items shine by displaying a few carefully selected pieces rather than filling every surface.

  3. Simplify color palette: Stick to a neutral color palette for your walls, floors, and larger furniture pieces. Neutral tones create a calming and cohesive atmosphere. You can add pops of color through smaller decor items or artwork.

  4. Effective storage solutions: Invest in smart storage solutions to keep your belongings organized and out of sight. Use bins, baskets, and storage boxes to categorize and store items. Built-in storage, such as shelves and cabinets, can help maximize space.

  5. Minimalist accessories: Choose accessories thoughtfully and display them sparingly. Select a few key pieces that bring you joy or have sentimental value. Avoid overwhelming your space with excessive decorations.

  6. Create a designated entryway: Establish a designated area near the entryway to store shoes, coats, keys, and other frequently used items. This helps keep clutter from spreading throughout your home.

  7. Reduce bathroom items: Assess your bathroom products and keep only the essentials. Minimize the number of skincare, hair care, and beauty products. Utilize storage solutions like baskets or small containers to keep items organized.

  8. Limit knick-knacks: Minimize the number of decorative knick-knacks and trinkets. Choose a few meaningful or visually striking items to display, rather than overwhelming your space with small, unrelated objects.

  9. Functional layouts: Arrange furniture and create layouts that promote easy movement and functionality. Avoid cluttering pathways or blocking natural flow within the space. Keep the layout simple and intuitive.

  10. Mindful organization: Create systems and routines that help you maintain an organized and simplified home. Designate specific places for frequently used items and make it a habit to return things to their designated spots.

The key to simplifying your home is to focus on what brings you joy and serves a purpose in your life. Each person's definition of simplicity may vary, so adapt these ideas to fit your personal style and preferences. 

Allow the things to flow to you by having your home sanctuary reflect who you are. By embracing simplicity, we can reduce stress, enhance overall well-being, and cultivate a greater sense of gratitude.

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