10 Earthing Hacks to Ground Yourself into Summer Season

How’s it going? We are closing into summer and hopefully, you all had time to implement some of my summer suggestions into your home. I personally love blues and greens, so those colors are proficient in my space.  I also love coastal themes as they bring me peaceful vibes and a feeling of Zen. You can read more about it in my previous blog, “A Better Way to Spring Clean into Summer Vibes” HERE.

I have been noticing that I have been feeling quite unfocused lately, I am not living n a grounded environment now and have been a bit “spacey” lately and disconnected. I often wonder if living in a high-rise apt as opposed to a house makes such a difference. I think it makes a huge difference, more reason to bring nature’s elements into the home.

As the warmer months approach, getting outside is more important than ever to ground yourself and connect to our planet and our humanity. We are more linked than ever before so be sure to get your grounding doses as much as you can to not feel isolated, as winter months tend to make us feel this way.

I personally got my new bicycle and have been feeling ecstatic biking up and down the boardwalk, feeling the sun, and smelling the ocean breeze. I had a wonderful ride the other day and was happy to see all locals walking, beaching, and feeling alive just by being outdoors.

I find that more cooking warming foods help me feel more grounded like soups, stir-fry, and baked items. I add warming ayurvedic spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger to keep my digestive fires strong. Also, incorporating more root vegetables help with feeling more grounded. These are not summer foods, but we are not quite into the summer season yet, and we are getting close!

I added some more grounding hacks below, see if you can incorporate just a few to start and notice if you feel more connected to yourself in the process.

1. Walk Barefoot: One of the easiest ways to ground yourself is by walking barefoot on the grass or soil. This allows direct contact with the earth, which can help balance your energy.

2. Spend Time in Nature: Spending time in nature can be a great way to ground yourself. Go for a hike, take a walk in the woods, or spend some time near a river or lake.

3. Meditate: Meditation is a great way to ground yourself. Find a quiet place to sit, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. This can help calm your mind and connect you to the earth's energy.

4. Yoga: Practicing yoga can help you connect with the earth's energy. Grounding poses such as tree pose, mountain pose, and warrior pose can be particularly helpful.

5. Use Crystals: Certain crystals, such as black tourmaline, hematite, and obsidian, are known for their grounding properties. You can carry these stones with you or place them in your home or workspace.

6. Connect with the Elements: Connecting with the elements can be a powerful way to ground yourself. Spend time in the sun, feel the wind on your face, or immerse yourself in water.

7. Eat Root Vegetables: Eating root vegetables such as carrots, beets, and sweet potatoes can help ground you. These vegetables grow on the earth and can help connect you to their energy.

8. Engage in Physical Activity: Engaging in physical activity can be a great way to ground yourself. This could include anything from dance to running to weightlifting.

9. Take a Salt Bath: Taking a salt bath can help you release negative energy and ground yourself. Add a cup of Epsom salt or sea salt to your bathwater and soak for 20-30 minutes. You can also add herbs of lavender, tea tree, and chamomile for relaxation.

10. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness can help you stay present and connected to the earth's energy. Pay attention to your surroundings, notice your breath, and be fully present in each moment. Pranayama exercises are a wonderful way to stay mindful.
(Photos: Me and Unsplash)


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