Hello May! A Better Way to Spring Clean into Summer Vibes

May Day, which is May 1st, celebrates the return to Spring. It is the halfway point into spring equinox and summer solstice.

A bit about May Day, it was really all about agriculture and celebration with song and dance into fields of sprouting earthly treasures of crops and flowers. Many different cultures celebrate around a maypole and light bonfires at night in ritual for seasonal blessings, all utilizing earth and fire elements.

How can we bring such elements into the home? Well to start, it’s a perfect time for spring cleaning into the summer vibes that are coming. Another way is to bring in nature is to find those beautiful flowers, plants, and gardens and welcome them into the home. May is also a perfect time for those garden tips, I will focus on these categories for this month plus some recipes and ideas for spring seasonal foods and cleanses.

First, let’s start with celebration, in many traditions, flower baskets were made and left on doors for neighbor and friends to find. If you have any children (or adults) who need projects to do, this is a great idea to share with friends and family. In Greece it’s tradition to make flower crowns on May Day.

Secondly, bring in earth elements into the home by bringing fresh flowers from your neighborhood or garden, or bringing in flowering branches that are from your area. These can be used as decorating and lively up the place with some flower therapy.  You can read more about “Flower Therapy: for the Home” in my previous blogpost HERE.

Thirdly, we now start to look around at which areas need spring cleaning, what rooms need your attention? How can I get my home ready for summer? I always suggest going room by room so it’s not so overwhelming. I ALWAYS say if you have limited time, clean and organize your BEDROOM first as this is the most important room in the house where you spend most of your time in. Plus, see if you can hire help, get family to pitch in or trade services with a professional cleaner if you are low on cash. The most important thing is to just GET IT DONE.

Preparing for the summer season can involve a range of activities to ensure that your home, body, and mind are ready for the warm weather. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1.     Clean and organize your outdoor space: Sweep your porch, deck, or patio and clean outdoor furniture. Plant flowers and tend to your garden. Get some bright and colorful cleaning gear and make it fun. Make your own DIY cleaners using lemons and vinegar.

2.     Check your air conditioning: Make sure your air conditioning unit is working properly before the hot weather hits. Change the filter and clean the vents.

3.     Get your grill ready: Clean your grill and replace any worn-out parts. Stock up on propane or charcoal, and make sure you have all the necessary tools and accessories.

4.     Protect your skin: Stock up on sunscreen and other sun protection products. Wear protective clothing, and avoid direct sunlight during peak hours.

5.     Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially if you're spending time outdoors. Keep a reusable water bottle with you at all times.

6.     Update your wardrobe: Put away your winter clothes and bring out your summer wardrobe. Make sure you have appropriate clothing for outdoor activities.

7.     Plan outdoor activities: Research outdoor activities in your area and plan to participate in them with friends or family. This could include hiking, biking, swimming, gardening, or picnicking.

8.     Prepare for vacations: If you're planning a vacation, start making arrangements early. Book flights and accommodations, and research activities and attractions in the area.

9.     Update your home decor: Swap out heavy winter blankets and pillows for lighter options. Bring in fresh flowers and plants, and update your decor with bright, summery colors and flowers.

10.  Take care of your mental health: Practice self-care activities that promote relaxation and stress relief, such as yoga, meditation, or journaling. Make time for outdoor activities and spending time with loved ones

Getting prepared for the summer season is easier than you think. I will post some great design ideas and trends as the dates get closer so stay tuned for more tips on navigating into your upcoming summer vibes! Most importantly, if you have been stuck indoors all winter, get ready to have an amazing summer season filed with fun and outdoor mayhem.

Photos: Unsplash


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