The Benefits of Art Journaling

Hey friends, 

How is your Summer Going??

We are on full summer mode as temperatures are rising and the heat is on. I have taken a brief pause from my blog as I have had some travel and classes to catch up on and now can share it with all of you.  In the last few spring months, we have explored the art of flowers, creating a garden, making flower boxes, and using flowers as therapy. 

I had taken some classes online on drawing flowers as this too can be so fun and creative, photographing, coloring, or flower arranging.  As a young interior designer living in Miami, I always loved using my hands to create things, we lost that art form when transitioning from college to corporate America as we used drafting programs like AutoCAD to do all our drawings. This made us choose speed and precision over using our hands to draft and for me, I lost a lot of my artistic abilities because of it.

My professor in interior design school always told us to never stop drawing as it was a skill to keep up with or we would lose it. I still wish I spent more time drawing and painting but this summer, I made a pact that this missing art form would be a primary focus in my life again. 

I always loved writing and journaling, I did this since I was a young child, and I always had my nose in a book reading something. I also painted, played music, and danced. I was extremely artistic, and I knew as I grew older, I would not be happy if I didn’t continue the path of an artist.

I believe we all come in with divine talents, and we gravitate towards these talents as we continue into this life. From the outside, it looks like I am all over the place, how can one person do all these things? Well, all I can say, for me, it has always been this way, and I just love every minute of it.  I am all these things. I have always been a dancer; I have always been an artist, and I will always be a healer. 

It’s who I am, period. 

It doesn’t matter if we do it as a hobby, profession, or just pure enjoyment, we just need to start! It’s never too late, if there is some artistic endeavor you are yearning to do, do it. I always loved the book, “The Artists Way” by Julia Cameron. If you have not read this book by now and are struggling to find your artist, this is the book for you.

Now I am always about managing my packed schedule and wondering how I can condense things into a more productive ways and still get to enjoy all the things I want to do. I find that I was always doodling in my notebooks, when I was in a lecture, or even when writing, it seems like it helped me to process what I was trying to learn or even express myself fully. 

So, I thought, why can’t I just combine both drawing and writing? Then I see in my online class I am taking; my mentor is talking about Art Journaling. You can sign up for this class here at . I didn’t even know there was a name for it, but it indeed is coined as this name. I researched further and found there were many benefits to this art form, and I could be so creative in every way by adding pictures, stickers, drawings, phrases, and mood boards. The sky was the limit and not only that, it was also good for the brain and we all could use a brain boost at this moment in time.

(Photo Credit: Unsplash)

Art journaling offers numerous benefits for individuals, both artistically and personally. Here are some of the key benefits of art journaling:

  1. Self-expression: Art journaling provides a creative outlet for self-expression and allows individuals to convey their thoughts, emotions, and experiences visually. It offers a safe and non-judgmental space to explore and communicate personal ideas and feelings.

  2. Stress relief: Engaging in art journaling can be a therapeutic and calming activity. The process of creating art and focusing on the present moment helps reduce stress, anxiety, and tension. It promotes relaxation and mindfulness, allowing individuals to escape from everyday pressures.

  3. Emotional healing: Art journaling can aid in emotional healing and personal growth. Through visual expression, individuals can explore and process complex emotions, traumas, or difficult life experiences. Art can serve as a tool for catharsis and release, facilitating emotional healing and self-discovery.

  4. Increased self-awareness: Regular art journaling can enhance self-awareness and introspection. It encourages individuals to reflect on their thoughts, beliefs, and values, gaining deeper insights into their own identities, desires, and aspirations. Art journaling prompts introspection and fosters a deeper connection with oneself.

  5. Creativity development: Art journaling nurtures creativity and artistic skills. It allows individuals to experiment with various art mediums, techniques, and styles, fostering artistic growth. Engaging in regular art practice can boost creative thinking, problem-solving abilities, and innovation in other areas of life.

(Photo Credit: Unsplash)

  1. Personal documentation: Art journaling serves as a personal documentation tool. It captures memories, experiences, and significant moments in a visual and artistic format. Looking back at art journals over time provides a unique and vivid record of personal growth, journeys, and milestones.c

  2. Self-confidence and empowerment: Art journaling boosts self-confidence and self-esteem. As individuals develop their artistic skills, witness their creative progress, and express themselves authentically, they gain a sense of accomplishment and empowerment. Art journaling encourages individuals to embrace their uniqueness and trust their creative instincts.

  3. Enhanced focus and concentration: Immersing oneself in art journaling requires focus and concentration. The process of selecting materials, planning compositions, and executing artwork promotes mental clarity, mindfulness, and improved concentration skills.

  4. Problem-solving and decision-making skills: Art journaling involves making choices about composition, color palettes, and artistic techniques. These choices promote problem-solving and decision-making skills as individuals navigate artistic challenges and find creative solutions.

  5. Community and connection: Art journaling can foster a sense of community and connection. Sharing artwork with others, participating in art journaling groups or workshops, or joining online art communities allows individuals to connect with like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, gain inspiration, and receive supportive feedback.

Overall, art journaling offers a multifaceted and transformative experience, combining artistic expression, self-reflection, and personal growth. It can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages and skill levels, and its benefits extend far beyond the final artwork itself. So, take some time to express yourself in your personal art journal.

Have fun creating it and make it your own.

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