The Cure for Productivity in the Workplace

Decluttering is Key.

Your living space is an extension of your energy field!

It’s true, most of us don’t realize how much our living spaces affect us, clutter can have various effects on individuals, both mentally and physically. As we have this June Full “Strawberry” Moon upon us, she has been asking us just to get it together and reevaluate what has been slowing down our productivity and habits. I try to make it a habit to declutter all my paperwork on Sunday and get everything ready so I can just get the green light on Monday and hit the ground running. But lately, I haven’t been so motivated.

Are you feeling anxious and overwhelmed all the time? Do you constantly feel as if there are not enough hours in the day to complete all the tasks on your list? Are you constantly juggling multiple things at the same time? Do you feel like you are having an attention disorder? 

Um…hmmm… Hi, I’m the problem… it's me! 

There is no time like the present to get to work and de-clutter, once and for all! I have donated, moved 3 storage units, (into 2 smaller ones), and now just revamped one of my home offices and I am finally starting to feel like my mind can think again. 

While some individuals may be more tolerant of clutter than others, it is generally beneficial to maintain an organized and clutter-free living and working environment to support overall well-being and productivity.

Yes, I am guilty as charged, I am an extremely organized person, but as I have been in between two living spaces plus multiple storage units, I feel I am spread out all over the place and cannot get a grip on any consistent schedule. It really seems like a daunting task to unload your stuff, but I promise the finished result will leave you feeling clear, focused, and motivated.

As I mentioned this entire month, we all know about spring cleaning, but now let's whittle down the clutter in your think tank, shall we??? The seasons change so our minds need to also shift, when we look at the same things every day our minds can get stuck into habitual thought patterns. Practices such as cleaning your home, rearranging furniture, organizing your rooms, and getting rid of items that are cluttering your space are important to do seasonally so we can open to other thoughts and fresh ideas. 


(Photos by Unsplash)

So, what is the Cure for Productivity in the Workplace?

It’s time to clear out our office spaces, as I mentioned before, if limited space it’s time to go upwards with bookshelves, storage furniture like benches and ottomans, and decorative storage boxes. We need to remove the clutter; it’s affecting our nervous system more than you know. 

My suggestions are to place items that inspire you, use your senses, and create a motivational container that is your think tank. A place where you only go to work, write, dream, create, and feel inspired. I always like to organize my paperwork in beautiful files, decorative storage boxes, and carved storage bins. I bought some new storage accessories that were totally me, with natural inspiration, I feel I am bringing the outside, in. 

What images inspire you? How can you tap into your sense to ignite your creativity? What do you need in your space to make you feel creative? The sky is the limit! 

So, file those loose papers, business cards, and folders, buy more file space, or store away those older files you no longer need. If you are not an organized person, learn how to become one or just hire help, breaking it down into smaller tasks makes it more manageable.  

I always say to bring natural items in and use your sense of smell, sight, and touch. This can relax the mind and alleviate any stress you may feel in completing your tasks. But most of all, out of sight is out of mind. Only place items that you are currently working on so you can stay focused. 

(Photos by Unsplash)

Here are some common ways clutter can affect us:

  1. Increased Stress: Clutter in our living or working spaces can contribute to feelings of stress and overwhelm. It creates a visual distraction, making relaxing or focusing on tasks difficult.

  2. Reduced Productivity: Clutter can hamper productivity by making finding the things we need harder. It can lead to wasted time and energy searching for items, which can be frustrating and distracting.

  3. Impaired Concentration: When our surroundings are cluttered, it becomes challenging to maintain concentration. The excess stimuli from clutter can make it difficult to stay focused on important tasks or thoughts.

  4. Negative Mood and Procrastination: Cluttered spaces can evoke negative emotions and a sense of chaos. This can contribute to dissatisfaction, irritability, and even procrastination, as the cluttered environment may seem overwhelming or demotivating.

  5. Increased Anxiety: Cluttered spaces can create a sense of visual chaos, contributing to anxiety. It may give the impression that there are always unfinished tasks that need to be done. 

  6. Allergies and Poor Air Quality: Clutter can accumulate dust, mold, and other allergens, which can adversely affect air quality. This can lead to respiratory issues, allergies, and other health problems.

  7. Safety Hazards: Excessive clutter can create physical hazards, such as tripping and falling. It can also impede clear pathways or obstruct emergency exits, potentially endangering occupants.

  8. Negative Impact on Well-being: Living or working in cluttered environments can affect overall well-being. It may lead to a sense of being overwhelmed, disorganized, or inefficient, which can impact self-esteem and overall mental health.

  9. Difficulty Relaxing: Cluttered spaces can make creating a calm and relaxing atmosphere challenging. It can be difficult to unwind when there are visual reminders of unfinished tasks or disarray.

  10. Reduced Creativity: Cluttered environments can stifle creativity by overwhelming the mind and limiting mental space for new ideas. A clutter-free space can promote a more precise and creative mindset.

Remember, everyone reacts differently to clutter, but it’s proven that once you tame the clutter beast, you deal with the emotional baggage attached to it and can finally feel lighter and more productive than ever. Sometimes individuals hide in their protective clutter, but in the end, not dealing with these emotions is breaking your spirit. 

It’s time to deal with adversity head-on and get clear, once and for all.

Oh, and be sure to enjoy the strawberry season! 

Happy de-cluttering Full “Strawberry” Moon!

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