Tower Garden, Medicinal Herbs, Earth Elements, and Sustainable Living

I hope you are all doing well as we continue our post Covid time here in South Florida. I have been working on all of my projects and trying to launch my holistic teaching platform while immersing myself in dance and sound healing. I am trying to make proficient use of this time and get things done, how are you all holding up?

It’s been amazing staying connected with my community and with all of you. It is so important to keep our vibrations high and our immunity strong with no stress and building up our reserves. “Ojas”. In Ayurveda, Ojas is a Sanskrit term that can be translated as “vigor” or “essence of vitality.” Basically, ojas is the vital energy that rules our immunity, strength, and happiness—three things we want to have in abundance.

I still have tons of online classes to get to from sustainable living, Leed design, and getting my resources to finish up writing my book with an online teaching series. So stay tuned for some big updates soon.

My two tower gardens for indoor and outdoor growing!

Wow, am I doing all of this? Yea, I am. Needless to say I am quite busy at the moment and taking care as I still need to take care of my health daily. But at this point you all already know that nothing stops me. It’s all about balance and mindset.

I feel it’s important time to grow our own food and help create a more sustainable life so we can decrease our waste and find better ways in managing our resources. Our planet needs this from us at the moment and it’s time we shift into another way of being, a more sustainable way. Earth elements means connecting to natures plants, trees, and medicinal herbs.

I love this experience! I can’t believe though aeroponic technology, I can grow my own food right here in my back yard and in my garage. The herbs are so fresh and full of life, from my backyard straight to my plate. Now thats sustainable living.

5 Ways to Tap into an more Sustainable Way of Life:

  1. Get your bone broth and herbal medicinals from healing bone broth, womens broth formulas, throat coat, Covid-19 care packages, and many more soups including vegan options from

  2. Easy ways to grow your own food with the amazing Tower Garden aeroponics system, no soil needed, payment plan offered, time saving and effective, and you can even grow indoors! - Plant your own seeds and create a herb garden in your kitchen.

  3. Learn how to grow your own medicinal plants and herbs at Sustainable Kashi, Terri runs this program and has classes, videos, and much more. Check it out!

  4. Low on cash? Cant get your groceries delivered? Check out your local Co-op farmers and order your groceries to be delivered at your door and a discounted price and eat locally which is healthier for your microbiome and immunity.

  5. Keep getting out in nature, put your bare feet into the earth and go hug a tree, earth has so much healing to offer us. When going on your nature walks, take deep breaths and appreciate all the beauty that surrounds you.

Here’s is a video update on my tower garden, it’s a bit more on my second week now and I am seeing some serious growth!!!


What It Means To Be A Healer


It's time for Spring Cleaning! Happy Spring Equinox