It's time for Spring Cleaning! Happy Spring Equinox

Hello beautiful Souls!

Spring is here, it’s my most favorite time of year!! We work so hard all year and finally, the season of growth and movement arrives. In Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, spring is one of the 5 elements of wood , governing the organs of our liver and gallbladder. This means, is a great time of cleansing and rejuvenation for overall health and well-being.

But did you know your home is also your second skin? What goes on in your home greatly affects your health and life. Which is precisely why Claudine and I presented our workshop at Gaia Therapeat over the weekend. We loved being connected with a sustainable company like Gaia Therapeat, whose mission aligns with better nutrition for a healthier lifestyle while remaining in perfect harmony with nature, and respecting our planet with a Zero Waste objective. Plus the delicious organic food!

Thank you all who came out for our Feng Shui And Green Tips for your Bedroom workshop. We learned how to create your bedroom sanctuary and had a blast!! Stay tuned as we have more classes to come. I love working with companies who align with my mission of holistic living.

I personally use nature as a major part of my health and healing, I believe that she is worth fighting for.

So what's the difference between Green and Sustainable living?

Green living is a lifestyle choice.. Basically, it's making choices that conserve and preserve our Earth's natural resources and habitats. Sustainable living is more important than ever to all of us, conserving in order to keep our earths’s natural resources is vital to our continuing existence.

A healthy (Green) bedroom is free of chemicals and toxins which include: air quality, Emf’s, Lighting, fabric choices, floor clean-ability, and clean air quality; we spend our most time in our bedrooms then anywhere else. Its the place of rest, recover, and rejuvenation. Be sure to make your bedroom the most important room in your home.

Another great thing to do this season is update your garden. Claudine and I went orchid shopping at one of my favorite garden centers in Broward. It’s orchid season here in South Florida and we had the amazing time of being in the most beautiful setting surrounded by nature. What an amazing day to celebrate Spring Equinox! Remember to update your spring garden this season and bring as mush nature into your home.


Tower Garden, Medicinal Herbs, Earth Elements, and Sustainable Living


Why Your Bedroom is the Most Important Room : 10 Health Benefits of Natural Light